Titleimage: Institute of Animal Pathology

The Institute of Animal Pathology (ITPA) is a comprehensive animal pathology center, combining a dedicated diagnostic unit and basic research in one institute. Our necropsy and biopsy services provide an essential quality control for the clinic and make a critical contribution to state-of-the-art teaching and translational research. With our basic research we aim to support clinicians understanding the molecular basis clinically relevant questions, such as cancer therapy resistance. We have also established a comparative pathology platform (COMPATH) to support translation research involving animal models of human diseases. As part of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathobiology (DIP), the ITPA is integrated in a close network with the other para-clinical institutes. Moreover, the ITPA houses a dedicated histology laboratory that supports the Vetsuisse Faculty Bern.



Foto von Claudia von Tscharner

in memoriam

Claudia von Tscharner, former head of Dermatopathology Diagnostics at ITPA, passed away on May 29, 2024. Claudia was instrumental in the specialization of Dermatopathology Diagnostics and co-founder of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology. Her significant dedication to supporting young professionals will remain in our memory.

Iva Cvitas, Leonore Aeschlimann (Küchler) und Ismar Klebic

Successful ECVP Board Examination

Iva Cvitas, Leonore Aeschlimann (Küchler), and Ismar Klebic, who joint our residency program, successfully passed the 2024 ECVP Board Exam in Paris. Congratulations!


EuroPola 2024 - save the date

Portrait von Corinne Gurtner

Master of Medical Education (MME)

Dr. Corinne Gurtner has successfully completed her Master of Medical Education at the IML, University of Bern. In her master thesis she investigated aspects of mental health of Swiss veterinary students. Congratulations.

Martin mit Doktorhut

Successful PhD defense

Martín Fernández González successfully defended his PhD thesis “Charting the Chemogenetic Landscape of Taxane Response in BRCA1-Deficient Mammary Tumors”. Congratulations!


Successful PhD defense

Marina Maurizio successfully defended her PhD thesis “Identifying essential host proteins for Theileria-induced transformation”. Congratulations!

Bild von Christina Andronikou


Christina Andronikou has successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Understanding and overcoming PARP inhibitor resistance: A focus on BRCA1/2 restoration-independent mechanisms". Congratulations!

Portrait von Filippo Cattalani

UniBE Short Travel Grant for (Post)Docs

Filippo Cattlani, PhD student in the group of Horst Posthaus, has been awarded a UniBE Short Travel Grant for a 4-week research visit at the laboratory of Prof. Michael Jennings, Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University, Gold Coats, Australia. The lab is internationally renowned for its research on glycoscience and infectious diseases. Congratulations and have a safe trip!

Portrait von Jan Franzen

MD-PhD grant

Jan Franzen, PhD student in the group of Horst Posthaus, is one of 15 early career researchers in Switzerland, who received a scholarship from the national MD-PhD Program of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in 2023. Jan investigates molecular mechanisms of cell damage through toxins secreted by bacteria of the genus Clostridium. Congratulations!

Portrait von Hana Hanzlikova

New EMBO member

Hana Hanzlikova, group leader at the Institute of Animal Pathology, has been elected as EMBO member, a prestigious organization of leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences in Europe and beyond. Congratulations!

Portrait von Lea Ling

DNA Repair

Lea Ling, PhD student in the group of Sven Rottenberg, received the best poster prize on DNA repair at the International Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology/Oncology in Oslo. Congratulations!

Kemal Mehanigic, PhD Student

Board exam of the European College of Veterinary Pathologists

Kemal Mehanigic, PhD student in the group of Dr. Nicolas Ruggli (IVI) and former resident at the Institute of Animal Pathology, successfully passed the board exam of the European College of Veterinary Pathologists. Congratulations!


Teacher of the Year

Dr. Llorenç Grau Roma has been elected as ‘Teacher of the Year’ by the veterinary students of the University of Bern. The award was announced on the 16th of December 2022 during the celebration of the Christmas Commemoration event. Congratulations.

SNF Fördergelder

SNF Grant success

Prof. Horst Posthaus received an SNF grant for his project "Receptor specificities of Clostridium perfringens hemolysin beta-pore-forming toxins."


Dr. Hana Hanzlikova has started her group at ITPA

We are very happy to welcome Hana Hanzlikova as new group leader at ITPA and we are looking forward to the collaboration with her and her group.


Oral Presentation Award ESVP/ECVP Congress 2022

Stefano Bagatella, Resident at ITPA und PhD student in the Division of Neurological Sciences received the Oral Presentation Award at the recent ESVP/ECVP Congress in Athens for his talk "Microglia, rather than bacterial factors, mediate bovine neutrophil chemotaxis in neurolisteriosis". Congratulations!


Successful PhD defense

Carmen Widmer successfully defended her PhD thesis "Investigating platinum drug resistance using BRCA1;p53-deficient mouse mammary tumors". Congratulations!

Julia Bruggisser

GCB Award

Julia Bruggisser, PhD graduate from the research group of Horst Posthaus, received one of 3 GCB Awards for the best PhD thesis in 2021. Julia earned this prize for her excellent work and PhD defense on the topic "Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin: Receptor identification and oligomer structure". Congratulations!



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